Experiment 2
12 Axonometric sketches
Simplicity amplifies the context
Architecture is not static, it keeps evolving
Changing perspective for the viewer
A mechanism for gathering and community
Undefined threshold
An appearance influenced by activity
Importing into Lumion
I have chosen the Simplicity amplifies the context model because I really think there are many things that could happen in such a simple amalgamation made. Just like what Richard Leplastrier said less is always more. Simplified space allow room for things to happen and for nature to enter which is what I wish to strive and incorporate for the sustainable, technology and the work of the students and staff of UNSW.
Simplicity amplifies the context + Changing perspective for the viewer
Changing perspective for the viewer + An appearance influenced by activity
Simplicity amplifies the context + Architecture is not static, it keeps evolving
Hi Chris, I have drawn the 3 parallel projections exploring the interconnection between pairs of my drawings from week one. Personally, I like Simplicity amplifies the context + Architecture is not static, it keeps evolving which is the third one. The curved structure on the top will be the shelter for my light rail stop. The structure at the bottom will be my seating for the light rail stop for the tram coming from both sides and the voided area in the middle will be an escalator going down to the lower campus stop. As for the theme between technology, sustainability, and the multicultural students and staff who study or work at UNSW i have chosen the sustainability because I was inspired by Richard Leplastrier. Please tell me if I am heading to the right track. I will develop my design if everything is okay. Thank you. (:
Things that I should have done last week. (:
Hi Chris I changed my design to suit the design brief. My new concept is "Simplicity ampifies the threshold" which means allowing the people to use the space that I have created easily. The floor plan will have light guiding to the directory board in the middle of the tram stop for both sides. I also added some cantilevered looking chairs and lighting to suit my overall design. I will map the texture over the chair and directory board. Could you give me some advice on what to add or is it sufficient to meet the marking scheme? Thank you. (:
This is the model using Artisan tool.
This is the model using another tool. Could you tell me if you prefer the one using artisan or this one? (:
I will map my texture over this chair
This is the directory board with some minimal detail.